Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Cats ... Continued
The Meeting Room

“You know Shadow the tallest part of the house in common, the spire can still be seen at the low waters of harvest season. They say the cart paths throughout the town can be seen when diving,” I stated simply.

Shadow wanted to share with me the wonderful mystery of the water covered community known as La Poudre, as he had heard it told to him.
He started by saying, “It was a delightful community built of all the natural surrounding materials such as wood, and stone, and clay. The largest structure, the community hablo had a huge potato shed, as wide as five carts that are drawn by a team of horses, side by side, hewn in the earth to keep and protect the potatoes from the cold of winter.” He continued, “Through a large door from the underground cavern one entered the adobe and immediately was aware of the smooth curved interior walls that had the most soothing appeal.”
“The main front entrance mirrored this entrance however, this entrance was sheltered from the high winter winds and drifting snow.” He paused, “I guess you’ve been here through the toughest winter storms?” “Yes,” I said, “last winter dad would have to light a fire under the oil pan of the car just to warm it enough for it to start.”

Interested, Shadow went on, “The receiving room for guests, a high vaulted area with an open hearth of a great fireplace greeted one as they entered. All foot coverings were left here. Entering a circular hall to the right, the ceiling lowered to created a special pathway around the perimeter of the structure. All meeting areas were within this passage, as one entered the gathering place for the Keanutes.”
“Who do you suppose used this room and what for?” I asked.
“The meeting room was for the entire community to use and for meetings of the council.
It was a huge oval with a high ceiling. The walls were lined with curved shelves, row upon row, opposite the hearth of the behemoth fireplace, opening to this room as well. Above the rows of curved shelves hugging the walls, windows of various color prism glass were above all the books up to the ceiling. The sunlight flowing into the room cast streams of pinks and greens, yellows and purples, and blues and bright white to the objects below." Shadow said knowingly.
more to come

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